MHC Marketing Platform

MyHomeClub empowers you to stay connected swiftly and effortlessly with your customers and grow your business. Build newsletters, social ads, and more from MHC Marketing. Add a personal touch without the effort through automated messages that reach your customers at exactly the right moments.

Many campaign builders are complex and difficult to navigate. At MyHomeClub, our campaign builder is intuitive to use. Drag & drop text, images, videos, products or engagement buttons with ease. Our campaign builder starts you off with a sticky header and footer so your campaigns are always consistent with your readers.

MHC Live Scoring Platform

MyHomeClub’s live scoring system allows clubs to run Club Tournaments and special events, such as Club Championships and Major Competitions.

Features include capturing scores by an administrator, live leaderboards, compilation of draws, tournament results, and statistics. It is a very easy and effective system to use for club administrators.
